Meeting documents

Weymouth & Portland Borough Council Management Committee
Tuesday, 15th August, 2017 9.30 am

  • Meeting of Weymouth & Portland Borough Council Management Committee, Tuesday, 15th August, 2017 9.30 am (Item 43.)

30 minutes will be set aside to allow members of the public to ask questions relating to the work of the Council.  3 minutes will be allowed per speaker. The order of speakers is at the discretion of the Chair and is normally taken in the order of agenda items, questions must relate to a report which is on the agenda for consideration.  Notice is not required if you wish to speak at the meeting but if you require an answer to a question it is asdvisable to submit this in advance by contacting a member of the Democratic Services team or alternatively, by emailing




Mr G Perry addressed the committee on the North Quay Report.  He suggested that, if the current contractor was in doubt, this was an opportunity for the Council to reconsider its options and put forward a better plan for the site.    


The Chairman reminded all present that the site had been sold to the highest bidder within the terms of the contract and that an exempt report would be considered by the committee at the end of the meeting.


Mr B Underwood addressed the committee on the British Toilet Association report and advised, in his opinion, the toilet facilities in Weymouth were totally inadequate and often left in a mess.  He felt that the council should be ashamed of letting them get into this position as the  seafront was a prime income earner for the local economy. He also asked why other toilets in the town had not be included within the report and asked further detailed questions about cost implications and maintenance. Mr Underwood also stated his concerns about the poor and incorrect signage across the town.


The Strategic Director advised that the Toilet Association report had been fully independent of the Council and members were being asked to consider the next steps.  He indicated that a full response would be forward to Mr Underwood in writing.


Honorary Alderman A Hutchings  spoke to the committee regarding the British Toilet Association report and indicated that he supported the councils approach to improve the facilities within town.  He also addressed members regarding the changes to the railway and train provision to the town.  The change in provider and the reduction in services was of real concern and 1 train every hour would be inadequate provision.


The Chairman confirmed that the Council also had concerns and had made representations to the local MP for the area.


Mr M Burt objected to the North Quay report being considered in exempt business and challenged why this was the case.  This was a community asset and therefore the community had a right to know about the decision making and this planning development. 


The Chairman confirmed that the report was indeed commercially sensitive and would be considered within exempt business at this stage.  The Assistant Chief Executive reminded all present that the report was not considering planning development matters, but with regard to the contract for the sale of land and would be considered by the committee under exempt business within the Local Government Act 1972,  which referred to the disclosure of financial business affairs.  Making this public information, at this stage, may make a satisfactory conclusion less likely to be achieved. As requested a written response would be forwarded to Mr Burt after the meeting.


Dr Mason addressed the committee regarding the report on the grant application for improvements to the Osprey Leisure Centre on Portland.  He hoped that members would be able to support the proposal.


Mr Farn expressed concerns regarding a broken bench near the Western bridge Sub-way and requested swift action. He also requested that councils reserves be used to clean and tidy around the area.  He also expressed concern about the loss of the Marsh track, which continued to be used by young people.